What is the full form of COMPUTER?
Monday, April 13, 2020
A computer isn't an acronym, it's a word derived from the word "compute" which suggests calculating. So, in simple words, you'll say that a computer is a device which is employed for fast calculation.
U-Used for
E-Education and
A computer consists of a central processing unit and a few sort of memory.
what is the full forms of computer
U-Used for
E-Education and
Computer = Arithmetical Logical Unit (ALU) + Control Unit (CU)
ALU: Arithmetic Logical Unit is used to carry out arithmetic and logical operation.
CU: Control unit is employed to vary the order of operations in response to stored information.
Categorization on the basis of technology
- Digital Computer
- Analog Computer
- Hybrid Computer
Categorization on the basis of generation
First generation computers: (1940-1956) based on Vacuum tubes.
Second-generation computers: (1956-1963) based on Transistors
Third generation computers: (1964-1971) based on Integrated Circuits
Forth generation computers: (1971- Present) Based on Microprocessors
Fifth generation computers: (Present and Beyond) supported AI
There are many sorts of computers available on the idea of their working areas: Supercomputer, work frames, pc, desktops, laptops, palmtops etc.